Scheduled 3PL offers same day delivery for Lazada Market Place Grocery (non-RedMart) items. Orders will be delivered within 6 hours upon pickup. This option is currently only available for selected sellers. As an alternative, please consider to arrange your own logistic fleet (Delivered-by-Seller) to fulfil perishable products order.
What is the fulfilment process for Scheduled 3PL order?
‘Arrange Shipment’ and have the parcel ready within 2 working days from order creation. All orders will be delivered on the same day of pickup. Sellers should pack the order to ensure that the product stays fresh during transportation (maximum of 6 hours between pickup and delivery).
Note: Do update your store operating hours (especially if you require Saturday or Sunday pick-up)
By default seller operating hours are from 9-6pm Monday - Friday. This means that for RTS fall on Friday (especially post the cutoff time), if store operating hours are not updated, the pickup will be scheduled for Monday.
For special situation (flash sale, mega campaign, timed event) where your store may have differentiated operating hours, please make sure to update Lazada Seller Center and inform your account manager where possible of this, especially when delivery of perishable items is concerned.
Seller should process orders created before the cut-off time to ensure fast delivery and good buyer experience. To help buyers determine the expected date of delivery, sellers may give the following recommendation.
(**Note: Table is an example, please adjust according to your operation hours).
What is the Ship on Time (SOT) Service Level Agreement and Breach Cancellation Policy?
Similar to Standard delivery, seller is expected to handover by N+2. Failure to do so will result in breach cancellation on N+3 (refer to SOT calendar for more info). Sellers are encouraged to RTS within 18 hours of order creation for good buyer experience.
How do I enable Schedule 3PL for my SKUs?
Please contact your account manager or Partner Support Center to enable this service. Once the service is enabled, you may configure the settings on specific SKUs, Standard delivery option must be disabled once you enable schedule delivery at SKU level.
Step 1: Access "Product Management' and select SKU to edit.
Step 2: Enable scheduled delivery and disable standard delivery.
How do I fulfil an Order assigned to Scheduled 3PL?
Step 1: Filter Orders with Scheduled Delivery
Step 2: Print packlist
Step 3: Pack items according to packaging guidelines and paste AWB
Step 4: Arrange Shipment to trigger pick -up request to 3PL.
How do I set Free Shipping Promo for Scheduled 3PL option?
Please ensure you select "Scheduled" delivery option to set free shipping promotion for scheduled delivery.
What happens in the event of Failed Delivery?
If the delivery representative is unable to deliver the parcel after first attempt or there are two (2) failed delivery attempts, the parcel will be marked as a failed delivery. Delivery representative will only fail the delivery if they are unable to access to delivery address and leave the parcel at doorsteps.
The driver then will connect and returned the package to the seller if requested. Do note that we cannot guarantee that perishable item will still be in original condition in this instance, as several hours would have passed during the delivery attempt.
Where can Buyers see the Scheduled Delivery options?
For Seller on Scheduled delivery, buyer will be able to see the delivery option on the Product Description page and Checkout page in the Lazada App.
(Updated 7 July 2023)
(Published 12 November 2021)